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Deadline Chris Crutcher Pdf Free Download

Summary of Chris Crutcher's Deadline

            Chris Crutcher's novel "Deadline" is a story of a young man forced to discover who he is, and what's important in life during the short span of his senior year in high school. Prior to the beginning of his twelfth-grade year, Ben Wolf discovers, through the results of a simple mandatory physical exam, that he has a terminal illness and will be lucky to make it to graduation. Ben's huge secret drastically hurt his relationships because he lost his girlfriend, killed Rudy, and put miserable thoughts in Cody's head. .
             When Ben receives the news of his imminent death, he decides he will keep it a secret and live his life to the fullest, while helping as many people as he can with the short amount of time he has left. The rest of Ben's limited life is lived by his philosophy, "Gimme the bad news, and I"ll take care of you" (4). Subsequently, that is exactly what the character tries to do. Unfortunately Ben fails when he reveals his secret, and his relationships are turned upside down. .
             Ben's "single prey in the crosshairs of his cupid's bow" for his entire high school career is Dallas Suzuki (2). She is the eye candy of the school, while Ben is just the little man nobody notices. Miraculously to his astonishment, she has detected him and deems him as a prospective suitor. Almost immediately, they are copulating in her bed and are madly in love with one another. Not wanting to keep secrets in her relationship, Dallas spills the beans and confesses about her having a son. Then, out of character, she says "I hate secrets they"ll kill you" (186). Even though she tells her huge secret, Ben stays quiet about his imminent death. Ben accepts this relationship and is still in la-la land as his dreams have finally come to light; even though, the light will not stay lit for long.
             "I"m dying. I've got a blood disease I have known since summer (253)." Ben drops the bomb of a lifetime on Dallas and immediately betrayal fills her eyes.

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